Albuquerque Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Albuquerque Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Signed in as:
First Day School (Sunday School) gathers each Sunday in the Main Meeting Room at 10:30 AM. See below for details pertaining to junior and school age young Friends and toddlers.
This year in First Day School we will explore Spiritual Practices. There are as many ways to practice listening for Spirit as there are people. This year we will explore a few different ways to listen and experience the presence of Spirit each month.
Some examples of spiritual practices we may explore include: Loving Kindness Meditation; journal keeping; poetry writing; nature walks; morning yoga practices; singing/songwriting, painting, dancing, cooking, to name a few.
At least once a month a special guest will be invited to lead First Day School. May of these guests will be members and attenders of Meeting. We hope to invite people from outside Meeting to share their gifts as well.
We offer a separate, play based preschool program, staffed by adult volunteers and trained youth leaders.
Parents are always welcome to join us; however, our intention is to staff First Day School with Friends who don’t have young children at home, thereby providing parents of young children with the opportunity to attend worship as often as they would like.
Albuquerque Monthly Meeting offers a variety of activities for middle and high school aged young people. This includes movie/game nights the fourth Saturday of every odd month, child care training programs, and occasional community outings.
The Curriculum Coordinator and Adult Volunteers are background checked and:
* Need 2 adults if there are less than 3 children who are 5+ years old
* Need 2 adults with children under 5 years old regardless of how many children there are;
* Can be alone with a group of 3 or more children 5+ years old if within eyesight/earshot of other adults (e.g., there is another adult in an adjoining room, or if the adult with the children is in a hall, or outside and visible to others);
* Can be alone with a group of 3+ - 11+ year olds for no more than 15 minutes;
* Temporary Volunteers and minors are never alone with young people;
* All staff people are mandatory reporters;
* Staff with background checks wear buttons during Meeting to be easily identifiable.
On 5th Sundays, Albuquerque Monthly Meeting holds Intergenerational, semi-programmed worship during the coming year on 5th Sundays which fall this year in October, December, March and June, as well as on Sunday, December 25th. Intergenerational worship will take place in the main meeting room at the usual time, and replace the First Day School Program. The library will be set up for those who prefer unprogrammed worship.
Saturday, February 15, from 5:30-8:30
Dinner will be served to parents in the Meeting room while kids enjoy a movie and pizza night in First Day School room. Childcare will also be provided. The goal is for parents to get to know one another better and to talk about CPC's hope to create a phone policy for events facilitated for young people.
Watch for details about Parents' Night Out at the Meeting House on this site!
Click on FIND OUT MORE to register your child for the First Day School 2023-24 School Year
and to give your preferences about photos.
The Albuquerque Friends Meeting (AMM) provides weekly “First Day School” for children and youth of all ages. Curriculum coordinator, Elizabeth Freyman, a creative and skilled teacher, has developed an appropriate curriculum for each age group. Guided by Elizabeth and adult volunteers, children engage in meaningful activities and discussion to deepen their own understandings of faith and its practice in their daily lives.
Children and adult volunteers and the First Day School teacher gather for the first ten minutes of worship with the larger community in the meeting room. Then they retire to the First Day School rooms downstairs, where planned activities take place in keeping with the year's curriculum.
Groups based on age and interest then form for specific activities (see the 2024-25 curriculum descriptions above).
Skilled child care and a separate curriculum are available for infants and young toddlers.
Several times a year the Children's Committee organizes events such as Game Night, end of summer festival or camping trips for the entire AMM community.
Summer programming is less formal with many opportunities for self-selection by the children.
The Children’s Program Committee welcomes participation by members and attenders of Meeting. Adult volunteers are welcome to participate in First Day School and are required to complete a background check.
For more information or to volunteer please contact First Day School teacher, Elizabeth Freyman.